
We know that coaching a junior football team can initially seem like a daunting task. On this page we’ll try and cover the basics and reduce the amount of time you spend searching for answers to any questions you might have.
We also have a brand new Coaching Development Program and many resources:
Basic Coaching/Admin Requirements
To become a coach, assistant coach or team administrator there are certain requirements HSMJFC require you by law to fulfil. Any associated costs will be met by the club. The details can be found in the following table:
Course | Description | Coach Requirement | Assistant Requirement | Action |
FA Level 1 | Entry level coaching requirement | Yes | No | Book directly through West Riding County FA (WRCFA) website or contact Sue Sutherland for details of any courses being held at club |
FA Number (FAN) | Essential for anyone involved in running a team | Yes | Yes | Register for a FAN on FA website at |
FA First Aid Course | Essential for any volunteer responsible for children at a training session or match | Yes | Yes | Is part of the FA Level 1 course, but can be booked separately on the WRCFA website. The club also run occasional courses – ask Sue Sutherland for details |
FA Child Safegaurding | Essential for any volunteer involved in coaching or handling information relating to children | Yes | Yes | Is part of the FA Level 1 course, but can be booked separately on the WRCFA website. The club also run occasional courses – ask Sue Sutherland for details |
Criminal Record Check (CRC) | A national requirement for all adults who volunteer to work with children | Yes | Yes | Please contact Sue Sutherland and she will provide you with the appropriate details and help you process your application |
FA Licensed Coaching Club (LCC) ID card | This card demonstrates that a coach has met all L1 criteria and is mandatory | Yes | No | Once you have obtained your L1 qualification you can apply for a free card on the FA Licensed Coaches Club website |
West Riding County FA (WRCFA) ID Card | A card issued to demonstrate that you have obtained CRC clearance and are registered with the WRCFA | No | Yes | Obtained through the WRCFA website |
2. The “to-do” list
New to coaching? Not sure where to start? Hopefully the table below will assist:
Action | Contact | By Date |
Make sure your team are set up on the FA’s Whole Game System (WGS) | | May/June |
Decide which league you are going to enter and let the club know (if you’re unsure, speak to your age group lead or a member of the committee) | | Mid June |
Email your full squad list to the club, so that membership fees can be reconciled | | July |
Register your players on the WGS. To register your players you will need a passport-style photo (head/shoulders only), to have seen proof of their age and their address. The club should set up your access to the WGS and a tutorial can be found on the WGS website | | July |
Ensure all your players are registered on LoveAdmin | | July |
Hold at least one meeting per season with the parents of your team to outline what they can expect of you and what you expect from them and your players | N/A | Before the season starts |
If new home kit is required then determine how it will be paid for and order it | N/A | Before the season starts |
If new away kit is required then determine how it will be paid for and order it | N/A | Before the season starts |
Make sure you read the rules and requirements for the league you are entered into | See League Website | Before the season starts |
Make sure the club are aware of your training and match preferences (days/times etc) | Chairman | Respond to the associated club email when it arrives |
WGS Instructions:
During the Season
Action | Contact |
Organise a referee for home games – this can be a parent in the younger age groups, but as the players get older the leagues may insist that a qualified referee be appointed | League |
Send an email to book the right size pitch for your age group (Current bookings can be seen below) | or |
Check the FA Full-Time website regularly to ensure you are aware of your fixtures. Share them with parents as far in advance as possible | N/A |
Make sure you have a well-stocked first aid kit for every match and that you are aware of any medical conditions your players have | N/A |
Ensure you have a respect barrier, corner flags and know how to access nets and goals for home matches | Age Group Leader |
Follow the league rules in respect of notifications and paperwork for matches | Should be set out in the league rules, but contact them if you are unsure |
Medical Consent Form:
Coaching Session Plan:
Individual Challenge:
End of the Season
Action | Contact |
Start planning for the following season | N/A |
If you’re thinking of holding a summer tournament, book the clubhouse/pitches and speak to the committee for advice | |
Book your awards ceremony at the clubhouse and send your trophy requirements to the committee | |
Select your end of season awards. The club will fund a participation trophy for every player and 4 individual awards per team – it is for the coach to decide what those 4 awards should be and how the winners will be selected | N/A |
End of season Gala Sample:
Remember, not all of the above has to be done by the coach. Ask the parents of your players if they’d be willing to take on some or all of the team admin.
3. Where to go for advice
All roles and responsibilities can be found on the Committee page of this website.
4. Kit and Equipment
The club are committed to ensuring that every team has the equipment it needs for training. Each new coach will receive a “start pack” consisting of footballs, cones and bibs. Teams are encouraged to replenish these through fundraising activities, but the club will assist where this hasn’t been possible. Please contact your head of age group for more information.
The club will ensure that there is sufficient equipment at each playing location or that those sharing a location are provided with the right equipment to pass around. The basic match day equipment you’ll require is:
Match balls
Goals and/or netting
Corner flags
Respect barrier
Referee’s assistant flags (for older age groups or as dictated by league rules)
Playing Kit
The club encourage teams to find sponsors to cover the cost of playing kit. The best place to start is asking parents whether they have any business contacts who might be able to help. Failing that there’s the old-fashioned door-to-door visits to local businesses or letter/email drop. If you are not able to find a sponsor, the club will fund the cost of a kit for you. Please approach the committee if this is the case.
The club is currently wearing Adidas Teamwear, and all kit orders should be placed by coaches only.
5. Training/Playing locations
As you might imagine the club uses a variety of playing and training locations. A number of grass playing facilities are used by the club in the spring and summer months, with King George’s probably being the most popular. During the winter we also make use of several all weather pitches.
6. Useful Links and Apps
The following links or apps might be useful to you during your time as a coach. We’re happy to add to this list if you want to recommend new links:
Club Social Media
Please like, follow and friend request the following:
Coaching resources
Coaches might find the following sites and pages useful when looking for tips, advice or session plans:
FA Licensed Coaches Club – Lots of videos, articles and session ideas -
The FA’s “Hive Learning” Resource – A community for coaches to discuss ideas and share plans. It is also the home of the majority of the FA’s DNA material, including lots of session ideas – (once registered you’ll need to search for the groups you want to join – “England DNA Foundation Phase” and “The FA Coaching Community” are a good starting point.
“Coach2Share” Facebook page – A community with almost 30,000 members where ideas and session plans are shared.
“West Yorkshire Grassroots Managers & Coaches” Facebook page – Local community of football coaches sharing advice and a good place to arrange friendlies.
“West Yorkshire GIRLS Junior Manager and Coaches” Face page - Local community of football coaches of female teams sharing advice and a good place to arrange friendlies.
A non-exhaustive list of apps being used by our existing coaches:
The FA Matchday – The app links into Full-Time it is expected that most leagues will eventually expect coaches to use it to report results and submit team sheets.
Team App – A free app which lots of our coaches use to organise their teams.
Teamer – A free app which lots of our coaches use to organise their teams.
Teamstuff - A free app which lots of our coaches use to organise their teams.
WhatsApp – Some coaches prefer this to the sports specific App because a lot of parents are using it already